BD: all about improving people’s lives
For more than 100 years, BD has been developing innovative medical devices that meet the needs of healthcare professionals and patients. From a one man shop in 1907 to a global leader in the medical device industry, BD is committed to enhancing the lives of people around the world.
Refreshing the app, extending the partnership
BD Europe and icapps have been partners since 2015. The custom-made document management system that icapps has created is the perfect example of an in-house mobile business solution. The purpose of this platform is to provide the sales team with all the latest medical product information and customer information on their iPad, on the road. icapps did the complete project: we designed and developed the mobile app that integrates smoothly with our own custom made document management system.
Recently, however, the mobile app technology had reached its limits. The legacy and proprietary environment that the mobile software was based on didn’t perform well enough on the current mobile hardware. Additionally, supporting and maintaining this environment became more expensive by the year. A transition to a more modern and more affordable architecture became inevitable. That is why icapps proposed migrating the app to an all-icapps environment which did provide a cost-effective and future-proof environment.
Smooth and quick project
Migrating the app to the new environment proved to be a smooth project. In just a few week’s time, all users were moved to the new platform, without any noticeable problems.
New app: all about improving the lives of BD’s mobile salesforce
Since the migration, the mobile salesforce can work intuitively and effectively on the latest hardware without experiencing any compatibility issues or other problems. They know they work in a future-proof environment which will keep them productive on the road for years to come.
And the IT and financial department have seen the annual budget cost drop considerably since they have moved from the legacy environment to the new architecture which makes use of standard and up-to-date technology. BD Europe can also rest assured that any integration or extension will be done effortlessly in this open and modular environment.