Digital Product Strategy
Digital Product Strategy aligns business goals, and user needs in order to create mutual added value and maximize the impact and return of the solution to be created.
Co-Creation Workshops
At icapps, we believe in the power of co-creating. You know your business best, you know what that business needs, and, not to forget, what you've always been dreaming about. We work on multiple digital solutions on a daily basis. So let's join forces and co-create the best suitable digital solution; one that is future-proof, innovative, and completely adapted to your business.

In this co-creation workshop, we build the best-fitting business case for your project. We focus on translating your initial project idea into a solid, well-founded view of the main business and the user needs you want to address with your solution. Together, we start shaping the concept.
We take the results of the 'Digital Product Strategy' workshop and build on them to create a well-defined concept for your future digital solution. One of our UX experts joins the workshop to create the first basic wireframes.
In our Digital Roadmap workshop, we determine the best way to make your digital product evolve step by step via a clear road mapping process, completely tailored to your needs.
Strategic Research
To create a digital product that has an optimal ROI and actually creates an impact on both your organization as well as your users, it is important to start with a clear view of the needs and goals your product needs to fulfill. We gladly guide you through this journey.
What goals do we want to reach within our organization with this digital product? Which Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) can we define to measure the success of the project?
We map out what your competitors are doing, and if that impacts your digital plans and initiatives.
What do you want to achieve with your digital solution? What do we know about your target audience?
Who are your Key Stakeholders and how do they look at your solution? Let's not forget the opinion and insights of your users and other possibly relevant experts.
What are the relevant interesting trends within your sector?
What technological and consumer trends are relevant for your project?
From idea to valuable business project
How Leadrs experienced our strategic workshops
Data, Analytics and Dashboards
Next to qualitative research (user interviews, focus groups,...), we use Quantitative Research and Data Analysis to confirm findings, help you gather new insights, provide details, nuance, etc to the research.
We guide our clients in the implementation of the right metrics to gain insights in their digital solutions. These metrics are based on the client's KPI's. We offer a user-friendly dashboard where all goals can be followed in real-time in order for you to analyze and follow up.
Don't worry, we don't expect you to have knowledge of difficult analytics software packages. That's where our in-house analytics experts come in. They can help you with the correct interpretation of the data and define what might be the right course of action for your product.
Do you want to assess your Digital Product to see if your users are using it as intended? We got you covered. By analyzing your current data we can show you how your platform is currently being used. We provide you with a detailed report, including some recommendations.
Do you have Google Analytics running, but you have some issues making sense out of it? We create easy to interpret dashboards so you can analyze your data in a simple way.
Want to challenge your ideas based on data? Together with Buffl we validate ideas with your target audience on the fly in order to get quantitative results in no time.