The solution: amfori SustainaPass
amfori SustainaPass is a game-changer for sustainability. The solution helps SMEs:
Break down complex regulations into simple steps.
Save time on paperwork so they can focus on real sustainability efforts.
Stay aligned with evolving standards while keeping their big-picture goals in mind.
How we brought it to life
Research & strategy
We started with surveys, interviews, and workshops to understand the challenges amfori members faced. This research shaped the solution’s design, ensuring it met the needs of users with little experience in sustainability reporting.
Key takeaway: Complicated tools scare off SMEs. We focused on plain language and intuitive workflows to make the process as easy as possible.
Modular design
The solution is built around modules, making the reporting process straight-forward and easy to navigate..
Materiality Module: The first and most challenging step, helping businesses identify their key sustainability priorities.
Risk & Impact Management: Additional module that builds on the first, guiding businesses through the rest of the process. Each module integrates with amfori’s existing solutions, like supply chain mapping, and uses local data to provide tailored support.
Reporting: The last module enables companies to communicate more easily how they address risks and impacts in their value chains by providing a template inspired by CSRD that is automatically populated with information captured in the other two modules.
Agile development
We used React for a smooth user experience and PHP for backend stability. The project started with the Materiality Module, laying the groundwork for data validation and navigation features.
When changes in legislation shifted the scope, we adapted by cleaning up technical debt and strengthening the solution’s foundation. This flexibility ensured that amfori SustainaPass could handle future updates with ease.
What made this project special?
Creating a solution for brand-new regulations came with a lot of uncertainty. Early user testing gave us valuable insights, but predicting how businesses would use the solution was tough, since no benchmark was set in the industry for sustainability reporting. This required a flexible, innovative approach and a willingness to learn as we went.
Results that matter
amfori SustainaPass is revolutionizing how SMEs approach sustainability reporting by delivering meaningful outcomes:
Streamlined Processes: Members can spend less time on paperwork and achieve their sustainability goals more.
Empowering Education: Instead of relying on costly consultants to handle sustainability reporting, we guide every member through the HREDD process (Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence). This ensures resources are directed where they make the greatest impact.
What’s next
Our partnership with amfori doesn’t stop here. We’re already developing exciting new features to improve the solution further.
With amfori SustainaPass, amfori transformed a regulatory challenge into an opportunity, demonstrating that thoughtful design and collaboration can simplify even the most complex tasks.