Build / Web app development
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Multi Masters Group

Multi Masters Group is a versatile multi-service company that started off as a family cleaning business and quickly worked its way up to the top 5 service companies in Belgium. Shortly thereafter they joined forces with Samsic Group, a European leader in services, which enabled Multi Masters Group to increase their range of facility services from industrial cleaning to green maintenance, construction, catering, security, mobility cleaning, etc... The 4000 Multi Masters Group employees are active in a wide range of sectors like logistics, transport, healthcare,... For this particular project, we dived deeper into their ‘Mobility Masters’ facility which sends out cleaning teams to provide a swift cleaning of Brussels Airlines’ planes in between their flights.

  • React
  • Android
  • Node.js


To ensure a smooth workflow, Mobility Masters needs to provide multiple pieces of information; like which planes to clean, when the planes descend and ascend again, and which teams are assigned to which planes. However, this was still a challenge for Mobility Masters and their cleaning teams. As well as communicating this information to Brussels Airlines. To increase the efficiency and accuracy of the provided information, they needed an easy-to-understand and straight-to-the-point dispatching system.

What we did

We flew right into this project by assigning 3 of our product teams to work on it, seeing as there was a limited time frame. We started off with some wireframes and user tests, which was our guideline to reach the desired product that would solve the confusing dispatching situation. As a result, our teams created 3 different complementary apps that provide the dispatchers with a clear overview of all the planes that needed cleaning and the option to assign these planes to different cleaning teams on the tarmac. As a result, this eliminated unnecessary and inaccurate communication attempts of the dispatchers and paved a way for a more efficient workflow.

Revolutionizing communication in less than 6 weeks

Since the employee base of Mobility Masters is huge, communication is essential. Not just for a smooth and optimal workflow, but also for the satisfaction of cleaning teams and customers. Up until now, the dispatchers at the tarmac used walkie-talkies to inform the cleaning teams on which plane to clean, etc... This occasionally led to miscommunication or miscalculations, because of the purely verbal nature of the communication method. To solve this problem they reached out to us to create a digital solution.

One of the biggest challenges we faced during this project was the urgent nature of the issue. This meant that our first goal was to reach an MVP (minimum viable product) which refers to an app that meets the minimum requirements to fulfill the wishes of our client. In less than six weeks, our three teams collaborated closely to create three different apps that could solve the communication problem. With excellent coordination among our product teams at icapps, we were able to align our design and wireframes so well with the customer’s needs that there were no surprises when they saw the final application.

3 apps, 1 goal

Our teams created 3 different complementary apps to help Mobility Masters improve their workflows. The main goal was to streamline the process of cleaning planes, which involves a lot of coordination and communication between dispatchers and cleaning teams on the tarmac.

The first app we developed was a web-based application that provided dispatchers with a clear and detailed overview of all the planes that needed cleaning. This allowed them to easily assign tasks to different cleaning teams based on their schedules and availability. The second app was a mobile application that was specifically designed for the cleaning teams themselves. This app allowed them to view their assigned tasks and schedules in real-time, so they always knew what they needed to do and when they needed to do it. It also provided them with detailed information about each task, including the specific cleaning requirements and any other important details they needed to know. Finally, we developed a third app that acted as a bridge between the web and mobile apps. This app-enabled real-time communication between the dispatchers and the cleaning teams, allowing them to quickly and easily share information and resolve any issues that might arise.

It was an intense but pleasant collaboration in which both parties put everything on the table to arrive at a top product.

Focus on usability

When developing our cleaning system for Brussels Airlines, we wanted to make sure that it was as efficient and user-friendly as possible. We knew that unforeseen events could occur during flights that would require extra cleaning attention and that these events could cause delays and inconvenience for both the airline and its passengers. To address this issue, we decided to add a history tab to our system.

The history tab allows the cleaning team to record any unexpected events that occurred during the flight, such as spills, stains, or other messes that need to be cleaned up. They can also upload attachments, such as photos or videos, to provide additional context and help the dispatchers understand the situation more clearly. This information is then stored in a centralized database, where it can be easily accessed by both the cleaning team and the airline.

There are numerous benefits to this feature. For one, it helps to ensure that the cleaning team is fully aware of any issues that need to be addressed before they begin their work. This allows them to be more efficient and effective in their cleaning efforts, which ultimately saves time and reduces the risk of delays. Additionally, the history tab provides a clear and up-to-date overview of the cleaning process, which is beneficial for both the dispatchers and the airline. By having a complete and accurate record of the cleaning work that has been done, the dispatchers can make more informed decisions about scheduling and resource allocation. Similarly, the airline can use this information to ensure that their planes are being cleaned to the highest standards, which is essential for maintaining customer satisfaction and safety.

In short, the history tab is a valuable addition to our cleaning system for Brussels Airlines. Providing a centralized location for recording and tracking unforeseen events, helps to ensure that the cleaning team is fully informed and equipped to handle any situation. It also provides a clear and up-to-date overview of the cleaning process, which is beneficial for both the dispatchers and the airline. Overall, this feature helps to make the cleaning process more efficient, effective, and streamlined, which is essential for the success of any airline.

In the future, we will keep working with Multi Masters Group by continuing to develop new features and fix any bugs so the apps keep working like they’re supposed to. A partnership with Samsic, the group Multi Masters falls under, is also in the works.

A truly unique project

For those of us who work in the software development industry, building something for a major international airport like Brussels Airport was an exciting opportunity. The airport is a world of its own, with its own unique challenges and demands, and we were eager to see how our software solutions would perform in this environment. When we first started working on the project, many of us had never worked with an airport before. We quickly realized that there were many specific requirements and regulations that needed to be taken into account, such as security protocols and the need for real-time communication between teams.

Despite these challenges, we were all excited to be a part of this project. We knew that our software solutions could make a real difference in the airport's day-to-day operations, and we were eager to see the impact of our work firsthand. On the first day of the go-live of the three apps that we developed for Brussels Airport, we had the opportunity to visit the airport and see our solutions in action. We were invited to join the team from Mobility Masters, the company responsible for managing the airport's cleaning services, on the tarmac to provide support and guidance.

It was a truly memorable experience to be there, watching the cleaning teams use our apps to coordinate their efforts. We were able to see firsthand how our software solutions were helping to make the cleaning process more efficient and effective, which was incredibly rewarding. Throughout the day, we were able to answer questions, provide guidance, and troubleshoot any issues that arose. It was a great opportunity to work closely with the cleaning teams and get a better understanding of their needs and workflows.

Overall, our experience working with Brussels Airport was both challenging and rewarding. We were thrilled to be a part of this project and to see our software solutions making a positive impact on the airport's operations. It was a unique and memorable experience that we will always cherish, and we look forward to the opportunity to work with other airports in the future.

Let's create an app together
