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Blue-bike was founded in 2011 with the ambition to enable shared mobility to a broad public. With Blue-bike, you can rent a bike at a very reasonable rate. This makes Blue-bike the ideal solution to cover the last mile to your destination after you hop off the train or bus. Fast forward to 2023, and it is crystal clear that the idea took off. In 2023, more than 36,000 Blue-bike members covered more than 350,000 trips at 124 spots around Belgium. Doing so, they saved tons of CO₂ in their mobility.


Incorporating digitization into their strategy, they aimed to effectively use AXA BLE ERL2 locks. To attain their goal, they sought (and found) a reliable partner for accurate implementation.

What we did

Our work with Blue-bike was quite diverse. Our experienced designers built the user interface and user experience, while skilled developers handled the technical part. Our hard work resulted in the development of two different apps from the same codebase, each made for specific use.

  • A customer app created with the user's experience in mind.

  • A service app designed to streamline Blue-bike's operational level.

The project kick-off

To kick off the project with clarity and focus, Blue-bike gathered all key stakeholders around a table. This approach set the stage for a seamless start. As the project progressed, our team took a hands-on approach by visiting Antwerp's central station. This allowed us to understand the challenges faced by Blue-bike users directly. By pinpointing their primary concerns, we identified avenues for enhancement, equipping us with invaluable insights to elevate the Blue-bike user experience.

Building two applications for Blue-bike's digital transformation

We worked on the ambitious task of creating not one but two custom applications. Each of these apps are carefully designed to serve different purposes and meet the needs of specific user groups.

The foundation of our teamwork involved completely revamping Blue-bike's digital system to make it easier and more pleasing for users. We started from scratch, ensuring every step of the user experience was efficient, looked good, and was easy to use. At the same time, another dedicated team took care of the technical side, ensuring that the technology behind our innovative apps worked smoothly. This partnership between the design and technical teams helped us bring our vision to life.

All of our hard work and attention to detail resulted in the creation oftwo unique but interconnected apps:

  1. The Customer App: When designing the Customer App, we focused on making the user experience as good as possible. We wanted every interaction with the app to be enjoyable and easy for Blue-bike's customers. With a user-friendly interface, simple navigation, and many features to simplify renting bikes, the Customer App reflects our dedication to creating a seamless and pleasant experience for every user.
  2. The Service App: This app is still an MVP, but we laid a solid foundation that allows many more functionalities in the future. This app will become the backbone of their operations, offering tools to help Blue-bike's teams manage their bikes, keep track of maintenance, and allocate resources efficiently.

    Bridging the digital with the physical

    This project stood out due to its "real-world" impact. It wasn't just about digital interfaces; pressing a button in the app led to a physical change in the real world, merging digital and physical.

    Celebrating collaborative success

    Throughout the project, we communicated clearly and effectively. Our strategies for managing the project's scope helped us stay on course, even when we faced unexpected challenges. Blue-bike's priority was evident: they preferred a robust and reliable app over one with fancy features.


    Together with Blue-bike, we're crafting a seamless bike rental experience, reshaping modern mobility one ride at a time.

    Koen van Looveren Flutter developer at icapps

    Overcoming technical challenges: dealing with Bluetooth issues

    Our technical journey presented difficulties. Integrating the AXA lock proved to be challenging, mainly due to the variations in Bluetooth functionality across different Android platforms. Our primary focus during development became maintaining a stable connection and ensuring the lock operated smoothly.

    A true partnership between Blue-bike and icapps

    Our partnership with Blue-bike went beyond straightforward business dealings. It was a very personal collaboration characterized by both parties' dedication to the project's success and a shared vision for the future!

    Let's create an app together
